Foreign Body Removal

Foreign Body Removal Hospital in Ludhiana, Punjab

Foreign Body Removal

Foreign Body Removal Hospital in Ludhiana, Punjab, Foreign Body Removal comes under the category of removing the foreign objects which come into contact with the body due to an accident. Foreign substances bring in the body parts like a finger, leg, foot, skin, stomach, finger, nose, eye, ear, breathing tract, and other body parts. The approach to remove them will build upon the substance and its presence in the body.
The foreign body’s presence is there when something is inserted or ingested by the person. It is likely due to being an accident. For some patients, there is no complication as it gets passed through the digestive tract on its own. On the other hand, some patients need medical intervention to take out the substance. In case the patient is experiencing pain in the body part where it is present, then consult the doctor for an emergency.

What are the types of foreign bodies?

Inhaled Foreign Bodies
The occurrence of inhaled foreign bodies is common in children as they explore the outside environment more. It will result in choking and the airway is blocked. Some of the commonly inhaled foreign bodies are grapes, popcorn, peanuts, and hot dogs. In some cases, it can be a small toy also.
In some cases, the airway is blocked which makes the entire situation difficult and you must get medical assistance on time.
Foreign bodies present in the alimentary tract
When the object is inserted or swallowed from the rectum passage it might reach the alimentary tract. This is present between the mouth and anus.
In some cases, the items are small enough and they might come out from the body naturally. On the other hand, some are extremely large which can result in blockage.
Assistance through CT scan or X-ray
With the help of a CT scan or X-ray, the exact location of the foreign substance will be known. Through the evaluation, it helps the doctor to understand whether there is a need to remove the object with surgical intervention. In case the object is a battery, magnet, or button, then your medical expert will get it removed immediately before it can pose serious harm to the body.
Foreign bodies present in the skin
In some cases, the foreign bodies might enter through the skin due to accidents or normal contact. One of them splinters but for that medical assistance is needed, but if there are chances of infection, then make sure to get it treated. If that is the scenario, then the doctor will ask you to undergo a splint emergency. This is done so that the infection is prevented.
Airborne Particles
Airborne particles like dust and pollen can enter through the eyes or airways. Due to this, there are chances of an allergic reaction but the need for medical emergencies is very less.
Foreign bodies come in contact with the eye
The doctor is going to perform the eye foreign body when the foreign bodies are embedded in the eyes when certain tasks are being performed. It can be a painful and dangerous situation when there is a piece of metal or glass. Getting medical assistance and that too on time is extremely important.
Foreign bodies in the anus, vagina, ear, and nose
If any individual has the presence of a foreign substance in the anal, ear, nose, and vaginal then foreign body removal is done in the emergency room. The problem is likely to result in intense pain. If the foreign substance needs to be removed from any of these areas, then consult the doctor right away.

When do you need to seek help from the emergency centre?

  • The airway is getting blocked due to a foreign body.
  • A foreign substance is present in the sharp eye.
  • Child breathing is not normal and he/she is choking

Schedule an emergency appointment with us right away and feel comfortable once again.

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